Sunday, November 26, 2017

red star ( for fidel )...a year since his passing...

red star (for Fidel)

by ‘bro. zayid’

“The Cuban Revolution! That’s a revolution!

They overturned the system!...”

            Malcolm X, Message to the Grassroots

“People/ make the/ world go ‘round…”

            People Make The World Go ‘Round, The Stylistics (1973)

Comandante Fidel has decided

that it was time that he left us…

after showing an impoverished

but pretty people

how the wealth and power

of unity and principle

courage and creativity

collective work and solidarity

can transform their lives…

after refusing to say ‘uncle’

to that bully of empire that is ‘uncle sam’…

after the turning Cold War pawns of the Cuban people

into Carlotta knighted warriors

checkmating Apartheid in their own blood in battle...

into rhumba rocking raging rooks

and agents of change…

after nine decades of defiance and dignity…

nine decades…nine decades!...

Comandante Fidel has decided

that it was time that he left us…

And so he did…

on wings whirlwind wide

lifted by lyrics of Guillen, of Neruda

of Corretjer, or Matos Paoli,

of Baraka, of Cortez…

of his Colombian companero

Gabriel Garcia marquez…

the man with the beard

tall eyes and long lungs

has left us…

on wings whirlwind wide

flying high with a gallant green-fatigued stride

guided by that white dove

seeking that ultimate love from up above…

in pursuit of a place

pain free disease free

exploitation and strife free…

a place well beyond the cia sinister dead presidents

and soon to be dead presidents

a place beyond casualties

and the trauma of war…

a cane sugar sweet place…

a place of peace

an eternal harvest and feast…

a place where he is now

a cherished new red star

blazin bold in a liberated blue sky…

he has left us…

for a place of memory

and the kiss and taste of eternal justice and victory

to meet and kneel before Maceo and Marti

to reunite with Che’

and to be received with an ovation

by a column of martyrs and the revolutionary departed…

he has left us

for that place that  chiseled him into a cherished

brand new red star

forever burning bright in a liberated blue sky…

so in this moment

as we wring our eyes of the truth of his new absence

as we face these clear and present dangers

as familiar and as sinister as ever

we remember what we have done


with our own hands and hearts while he was with us…

what we did together

no matter the obstacles or hostilities

and we say ’yo soy Fidel’*…  ‘I am Fidel’

and we continue…

against the tyranny and tantrum

that is this backwards blockade and empire

we continue and we say

‘yo soy Fidel’ …’I am Fidel!...

against the evil of poverty and treatable disease

we snap the wrists of this order of exploitation

responsible for that needless suffering

and we say ‘yo soy Fidel’...’ I am Fidel’!

against the rot of racism

that engenders hate, torture, mass suffering,

genocide and death…

against the sickness of sexism

that barbarically violates women and girls

deforming and stunting all human development

we continue and we say

‘yo soy Fidel’…’I am Fidel!...

against the gloating of the global pharmaceutical complex

taunting the suffering with their high prices and flippancy

against the seductive mischiefmaking of the marketeers

against the handshaking deceit of the vampires of capital

we continue and we say

‘yo soy Fidel’ …’I am Fidel’!...

so now that he has left us with our history and heritage

of hope

full in our hands

we continue

continue to provide sanctuary from the empire’s persecuted…

continue to build and fight for human development

to meet human needs wherever there is suffering

continue to share everything we have

no matter how meager as a matter of principle…

as the profiteers


at our refusal to capitulate

as we sing dance train and fight

to their dismay

to our delight

we continue…

with the light of Che’ in our eyes

inspired by Fidel’s blazing brand new red star

shining in a liberated blue sky

we continue!...

and we say

‘yo soy Fidel’  ‘I am Fidel’!

from our oldest and most battle borne

to our youngest between school and play

from our hotel workers patient with the petty of tourists

to compesinos proudly working their land

from lovers strolling the malecon

to our most advanced itchings of science

revolutionary and natural…

from the singing sierra maestra mountains

to the muscular cuddle of the countryside…

we continue and we say

‘yo soy Fidel

‘yo soy Fidel

‘yo soy Fidel!’…

‘I am Fidel

‘I am Fidel

‘I am Fidel!’

and we continue!...

“but that’s what makes the world go round

the up and down the carousel…

“changing people’s heads around

go underground, young man!...

“people make the world go round!...”


‘Yo soy Fidel’ (trans. ‘I am Fidel’)

©2017 All rights reserved

Thursday, November 2, 2017

i wanna talk about u(jazz poem for Assata)

It was on this day, November 2, 1979, that Assata was liberated from Clinton Correction Facility in Clinton NJ...
I share this Jazz poem I penned for her first book party for her Autobiography that I had the honor of organizing nearly 30 years ago!...

i wanna talk about u (for Assata*)

based on John Coltrane’s treatment of the Jazz ballad

by ‘bro. zayid’

i wanna talk about u…

wanna talk about u

with words that’ll sugar

the hormones in yr brains

wanna talk about u

until there’s nothin more to say

wanna talk about u

and talk about u

and talk about u…

about u

black woman


black daughter







of freedom storms

sharp as a crucifyin nail and sword

slippery as an eel

steadfast as a redwood


sweet as honey…

i say

i wanna talk about u…

wanna talk about yr courage

wanna talk about yr selflessness

wanna talk about yr vision


talk about u…


black woman

black daughter

black mother







of freedom storms

glistenin seed of fannie lou hamer’s sweat

and bleeding welts…

i wanna talk about u…


whose pronouncements

shred the flesh of oppression

like the claws of the blackest panther


whose expressions

crack the testicles of cracker fascists



leave me


i wanna talk about u…

wanna talk about u

with words that’ll make the enemy puke

wanna talk about u

with words that’ll make revolution

as organic to us as okra and sweet potato pie

wanna talk about u

with words that’ll sketch u

dancin with yr destiny

to dance rhythms

composed and arranged by a most hip moon


i wanna talk about u!...

with words that’ll sugar

the hormones in yr head

wanna talk about u

until there’s nothin more to be sd

wanna talk about u

and talk about u

and talk about u





