Wednesday, September 5, 2018


It was a beautiful early Fall day that Saturday, September 5th, 1998 in our beloved Harlem!
Thousands, I would dare say hundreds of thousands, based on aerial footage from the day, of the most militant Black Youth in the country converged for an empowering afternoon of Unity, Solidarity and a Renewed Call for Black Nationalist based Community Organizing to come forth!...
One of the most unheard and abandoned segments of the Black Community, the so called 'Lost Generation', stood up to New York's most racist and facist Mayor in decades, stood up to a pathetic throng of Black 'Mis-Leadership', using Glen Ford's language,that denounced the gathering and would not even have the decency to engage its organizers, and stood up to a Media hostility so pronounced that to this day it is hard to find a single media item from the socalled mainstream media that in any reflects the narrative of the generation that made it happen!
Yet in the end, 'we' made it happen!

'We' even physically stood down an unprovoked physical attack from the NYPD at the end!
In the words of one alternative press account:
"And so a police riot began sharply at 4:01.
"In his news conference after the precisely orchestrated psychological warfare, humiliation and violence against thousands of peacefully assembled Black people, the mayor called for the arrest of Khalid Muhammad for inciting a riot.
"But it was Giuliani who incited a police riot. And it was not the first time."
That is 'Perspective'!
That came from activist reporter Vanessa Lewis of Workers World, and it sure as hell is not your daddy's mainstream media coverage of Black Young people speaking up and standing up for themselves.
To be sure, according to 'their' statistics, 17 of theirs went to the Hospital and only one of ours did. That lone casualty on our side, let it be known, stopped a NY Police officer who would had his gun drawn as they attacked they stage from the rear!
I will militarily take those numbers any day!

More should be said however.
The March took place just weeks after a lynching in Texas that saw an emerging New Black Panther Party confront the KKK with force of arms!...That action compelled the pathetic Bill Clinton's Justice Department to step up its game in prosecuting the Terrorists responsible, something Khallid Abdul Muhammad will never get credit for pathetically! Prior to that they were conspicuously quiet let the record reflect.
That bold stand in that hot Texas sun would not only be the first moment in the sun for the much maligned New Panthers, it would be the beginning of the end of the organizing legacy of the late Khallid Abdul Muhammad!
So after the fearless epic gathering that indeed was the Million Youth March, many of those same abandoned young people stepped up their own local organizing efforts and many expanded the growth of the New Black Panther Party under Khallid!
Put it this way, when Khallid came into the New Black Panther Party, they only had two fully functional chapters. After the March, they would have three dozen all over the country!
He would be gone less than three years later, but many who he touched, taught and trained are still n the language of unsung poet A Wanjiku H Reynolds.'trying to make time and trying to make a difference.'

Never give up!
Hold the line! Cover Down!
Freedom or Death!
Black Power!
"We gotta fight the powers that be..."
-Public Enemy
Baba Zayid Muhammad

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Black August 2018 by 'bro. zayid'

Black August 2018

by ‘bro. zayid’

            Black August! Its hallmark inspiration is of course George and Jonathan Jackson, two incredibly fearless young men who would each become martyrs for our liberation within a year from each other. Jonathan, in a bold extraction mission, seeking the freedom for comrades who were not going to get it any other way, was killed in action in that mission on August 7, 1970...They burst into that California court room, young guns and said boldly and simply “we are in charge.” His big brother, the profusive urban literary guerrilla, George would be taken in a hail of gunfire in prison the following year on August 21st!

            Their courage and tragic deaths would inspire a bold prison justice movement which would include the epic Attica Uprising less than a month later after George’s death on the other side of the continent and in recent years, it would mean a time accelerate support for our political prisoners, and with some approaching 50 years in prison, we absolutely need to do that.

            Black August is also a time when no white confusing holidays take place, when some of the most vicious forms of oppression have taken place, and where of course some of our boldest resistance has taken place. For instance, August 1st, 1943, the police attack a Black woman and a Black soldier in uniform intervenes. He is shot by a white police officer and all hell breaks loose on the police and on the propertied class! Right on!...

            Harlem legend James Baldwin is born on August 2, 1924. On August 3, 1832, Edward Wilmot Blyden, a hugely important, but unsung, bridge of Black Nationalism from the 19th to 20th century is born. His African Life and Customs is still a must have. “We did not come here culturally empty-handed,” Dr. John Henrik Clarke used to say. Blyden’s book was early proof!

            He gave a whole new meaning to the adage ‘Wake up! Clean up! Stand up!’ when he brought Acupuncture to the ‘hood in our war against addiction straight from Chairman Mao’s China! Dr. Mutulu Shakur, in prison now for 32 years, was born on August 8, 1950.

            On that same date in 1978, Philadelphia Tanks, Bulldozers and Massive Gunfire would attack the MOVE Family in Powelton Village! A Philly police officer would get killed as a consequence of ‘friendly fire’. They blame it on the 9 MOVE Family members and charge them with that officer’s death...Almost all of them are still in prison...40 years later!...

            August 9th is also the anniversary of two ugly police brutality acts. August 9th, 1997, the heinous beating and sodomizing of Abner Louima and most recently the ‘stranger fruit’ police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson in 2014. The film, Stranger Fruit, capturing the spectacle horror of that incident, is a must see!

            August 11th, 1965, comes the 5ive day sweeping epic Watts Rebellion that would put Martin Luther King Jr. and his insistence of total commitment to Nonviolence on his heels. The late great Dick Gregory was shot and wounded in that uprising.

            On August 13th, 1926, Fidel Castro is born! Name a revolutionary who has done more for Afrikan people than Fidel!... 

            August 14th, 1791, Bois Cayman!...The time had come to fry the French...The epic Haitian Revolution was launched.I am so honored by the God of our Ancestors to be born on this day. I am also greatly saddened that I would lose our beloved Breya Blackberry Molasses Knight, on that same day two years ago. The Divine is in order. Check it...Breya would also be given to us on October 2nd, the anniversary of the birth of Nat Turner! There should be no mistake from where her fire sprung from...Speaking of Nat Turner, his bold insurrection occurs on August 21st 1831, the same day that we would later lose Field Marshall George Jackson...Can’t make this up!

            The great Sam Anderson, pioneer of SNCC and the Black Panther Party, author of Black Holocaust For Beginners, master teacher...turns 75 on August 16th!...I salute u, sir.

            August 17th, 1887, we are given arguably our greatest organizer, Marcus Mosiah Garvey!

            Next year marks the 400th anniversary of our ancestors’ fateful arrival in Jamestown, Virginia on August 20th! Although not slaves right away, we would up in that genocidal bind from that dark beginning.

            August 23rd, the ‘True Maroon’, the implacable Russell ‘Maroon’ Shoatz, in prison since 1975, will turn 75! Almost all of those years were done in the ‘hole! Time to bring him home!

            On that same day, August 23rd in 2003, we would lose his incredible comrade, Safiya Bukhari Alston! How proud was I to serve under her for the return of The Black Panther Newspaper, the launching of Jericho, and more!

            It was revealed on August 25th, 1967 that this little sinister, criminal matter of COINTELPRO would be expanded to destroy our Movement.

            August 28th marks the horrific anniversary of the savage lynching of Emmitt Till in 1955! The date of that horrific event would be used for the March On Washington later in 1963. Controlled show that it was, it’s success as a major mass mobilization, however, marked Dr. King for death, Read his COINTELPRO Papers!

            Finally, we end with Chairman Fred, one of the baddest Panther leaders!...Fred Hampton was born on August 31, 1948.

            We who like it hot...Call it ‘Black August’...


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Baptism In Rebellion (People's Chldren's Poem for Lauren Walker)

Baptism in Rebellion

(the epic Newark Rebellion of ’67

thru the eyes of a child,

for Lauren Walker)

by ‘bro.zayid’


“Dey breakin’ windows


“dey baaad!...

“ooh! Mommy!

“Look at all the toys and clothes

an’ tvs and stuff they takin’

“Are dhose boys stealin, Mommy?

“Why dhose redlights on dhose cop cars

be so loud for, Mommy?

“Somebody in trub-bol,

“Huh, Mommy…

“Oooh! Look Mommy!

Dey startin a big fire ova  dare, Mommy!


“Ooh! Look Mommy!

“De cops got dey guns out!


“Are dey shootin fo’ real, Mommy?

“With real bullets?


“Da cops hit dat man in his head

an’ bust his head open

an’its bleedin!...


“Dey thro’ dat lady ona groun’

An’ dey kickin her all in her back

An’ all in her stomach, Mommy!


“Dey hurt her real bad

an’ she wasn’t even doin nuthin!?


Why we walkin’ so fast for, Mommy?

“Ooooh! Mommy!


“Look at all that blood comin outta his leg!...

“Ooooh! Mommy!

“Dey shot anudda man!!

“An’ lady dat’s wit’um is callin’ dhose cops all kinda names!

“An’ she say bad words too!...

“I’m comin, Mommy!

“I’m comin…


“You aint say ‘excuse me’ when you hiccup’d

“An’ why you holdin your side?...


“What’s de matta?

“Why you fall down on da groun?...



                                        “Mommy, you bleedin…

“Mommy, wake up…


“I HATE COPS!!!”...


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Harriet's Return:The Afrikanity of Women's History Month!

Harriet’s Return: The Afrikanity of Women’s History Month!

by ‘bro.zayid’

            Perspective is everything!

            Women’s History Month should be an amazing moment of engagement and enrichment for our people as should and once was so-called Black History Month…until the commercials came.

            Although Women’s History Month is considered the correct blowing up, or expansion of International Working Women’s Day (IWW Day, observed on March 8th) a day marked to the launching of the Women’s Liberation Movement in a context of the larger struggle to liberate ‘the working class’,  people of Afrikan origin have a perspective based on their global experience  that may sharpen that in ways other women, and we mean here white woman, who are not ready relinquish their handle on white privilege even in the context of a quest to liberate ‘the working class’, may not understand!

            Let us remember that our ancestors endured a colossal genocidal atrocity that has done more violence to women oppressed and exploited for their labor than any other oppressed paradigm in human history!

            My God they have not just been raped and bred…They have been raped and bred for centuries! Centuries!

            So I encourage our people to engage and embrace Women’s History Month whole and heavy because in spite of that colossal criminal violence perpetrated on our female ancestors, they managed somehow to continue to cradle our skies and even produce some of our greatest liberators!...

            Perhaps you have heard of Harriet Tubman!

            The military genius of the Underground Railroad, who risked her life, many times by herself, to go back into enemy territory numerous times to liberate others in bondage. In the end, she may have liberated nearly one thousand captive Afrikan people from bondage. (She rescued nearly 800 alone in the Combahee River Mission during the Civil War!)

            Harriet becomes an ancestor on March 10th, 1913 going into her 91st north amerikkkan winter 91st.

            So for many of Afrikan descent, the core date in Women’s History Month has not been March 8th, IWW Day. It has been March 10th! Based on the tortured yet brilliant legacy of Harriet, both a survivor and legendary combatant in that colossal criminal context of oppression!

            One of the proudest ceremonial moments in my life on my walk in the Panther tradition was when I was asked to go to the Association for the Study of Classical Afrikan Civilization’s Eastern Regional Retreat that they did at the Auburn, NY home of Harriet Tubman in 2002. I went, of course in full uniform. ( I was nat'l minister of culture and regional chief of staff of the New Black Panther Party at the time, and I had just finished calling out the first Black superintendent of the racist NJ State Police, Carson Dunbar, for calling for Assata's return and not calling out the seminal virulent racism within that arm of the state.) When it came for us to go her gravesite, I did what a soldier ought to do in that scenario…I saluted the incredible ancestor, militarily, and then I have to admit I went to a knee and brokedown!

            Several years later, the late great John Watusi Branch, a regal Black man and personal mentor whom I treasured and longtime unsung keeper of the culture at the underappreciated Afrikan Poetry Theatre in Jamaica Queens where I got my starts as both a poet and later as an actor, would usher in an another incredible moment, the reconnecting of Harriet’s surviving descendants back to her Afrikan origins in Ghana!  It had just been learned that Harriet’s grandmother, Modesty, was of the Ashanti in Ghana, a dimension still hardly acknowledged in treatment’s of her incredible audacious legacy to this day.

            Ah!  But there’s more to this story. At the time of ‘return to Harriet's Afrikan roots’, the Ashanti had just enstooled their first female chief! It was this chief who not only directed Harriet’s  family being properly being received by the Ashanti’s royal bearers, that chief also decided that Harriet would be bestowed with the honor of ‘Nana’ or Queen Mother, the first to receive such an honor posthumously!

            So let us please appreciate the now PanAfrikan dimensions of this  incredible ancestor’s legacy!

            Leaping ahead to this moment, just months ago, another regal comrade, a church-bred 'lady of grace' from Newark, NJ, educator activist Annette Alston just did a Harriet Tubman For Beginners! Annette right from the beginning captures the Afrikan beginnings of Harriet’s captured grandmother Modesty from Ghana, but she also may have captured Harriet’s birthdate, March 15, 1822!

            So, yes, we salute Women’s History Month  and we salute the call from which it springs…IWW Day, proudly with reasons waaay beyond the imaginations of European women, no matter their degree of radicalism, but we must do so in an Afrikan way, honoring our unique global Afrikan experience. They say March 8th. We say today, March 10th and now March 15th!...All due respect…

            We will give u a little more on Nana Harriet in five days…

            As u were…


Sunday, February 25, 2018

splitting skin (poem) for Muhammad Ali

splitting skin (for Muhammad Ali)

by ‘bro. zayid’

stinging like a bee

stinging like a bee

stinging like a bee…

he floated into our hearts

a bold blaze of glory…


splitting skin…

his reflex raw mind

seeking the power of truth

waaay beyond the land of left hooks…

came and upset the gamblers dens’ books…

and he came to us

at just the right time…

after medgar’s rifleripped back

exploded in our guts

after bombbursted pieces

of four little black girls

branded our eyes

and cursed our fears and tears

when malcolm’s splattered blood

was still hot

burning all of our eyes…

that’s when he came to us!


on his toes

armed with machine gun handspeed

with this blows…

the clear heir

to the lethal sweet of sugar ray’s throne

he loved to play

but was warrior to the bone…

fought like hell

answered every bell of his time

with his combat cold heart

and his fast handed rhyme…

he came to us


with a champagne golden confidence


to be born in us all…

and when he dared to drop his slave name

and to take his swordwielding

ancestral name instead

after a commercial façade of American popularity

u wd’ve thought they wanted him dead…

and when he refused to be

one of their ‘boys’

one of their war machines ‘toys’

they stripped him of everything he had…

reminiscient of their banning

paul robeson’s existence….

but his was an undying resistance…

stinging like a bee

stinging like a bee

he was put here to transcend their decrees…

he was put here to take the streets

with the yg in the thousands

and their protesting feet…

put here to stand with martin

against the gore of genocidal war…

put here to destroy

some of white supremecy’s biggest white lies

put here to show us

that black is indeed beautiful

right before our very bloodburned eyes…

gave our people and the world’s oppressed

such a cranecocked cloudlicking lift


just maybe

he was one of god’s gifts…

a windslicing

beacon of black pride

put here to rise above it all

like an earthbound star

baptized in sacrificed black blood

refusing to be denied…

stinging like a bee

he was put here to transcend their decrees…

put here to transcend

even the mortal limits of his prime

they took all of that away from him

and nobody calls that a crime!...


splitting skin

his right hand lead

forever faster than a speeding bullet

carrying a continent of courage

on his fearless shoulders

and in the sparkle of his eyes

for a longbeaten blue people

bearing the power of truth

well beyond the land of left hooks…

audacious survivor

went to the lumumba’s congo

and again upset the gamblers dens’ books…

stinging like a bee

stinging like a bee

he was put here to transcend their decrees…

and after the ring lights dimmed

he came again and became a torchlight for peace

actually got between saddam and bush

in the middle east

forestalled a war

even got several u.s. hostages free

extended his legend again

for whole world cd see…

so now he is somewhere dancing circles

around our enemies in the spirit world’s  wars…

somewhere he is still dancing

still blinding time with his hands

like a charlie parker run

at war with the devil

and making it all look like fun…

forever a triumphant echo

on mountains of eyes and stages

forever in the ears in the annals of the ages…

forever will his magic

make us smile and call out his name

as he leaps from history’s screens and pages

a giant in defiance

falcon fierce and butterfly courageous…

stinging like a bee

stinging like a bee

stinging like a bee

he was put here to transcend




Monday, January 15, 2018

MLK Day 2018 Blue Note with Poem

An MLK Day Blue Note…Build the United Front Against Fascism!...
by 'bro. zayid'

As we wind down a day whose honor we fought for and won, o yes we did, and I, for one, had an incredible day with on the streets with some incredible young people, let it be instructive...Let us remember that this day not only marks Dr. King's 89th birthday; This year, on April 4th,marks the 50th anniversary of his assassination!...

Dr. King's slaying triggered the 3rd, and exponentially, the largest growth rate of the Black Panther Party!

By that year's end, another president dripping in pathology and criminality and with a deadly fascist tendency was put in the White House! The Party was named the most dangerous internal threat to the national security of the united states. The COINTELPRO War would escalate against the Party claiming numerous casualties!...including Chairman Fred, whose Revolutionary Rainbow Coalition with the potential to take Dr. King's Poor People's Campaign to another level!...In spite of that, in the midst of that madness, the Party made a bold and revolutionary prophetic call for a United Front Against Fascism!...

So at this moment, as we resist police terror going buckwil' in our lives, as our social services are gutted like meat to roast swelling the ranks of the poor, as we are outraged by a new wave of ethnic cleansing as the state gears up to deport Black and Brown residents in the hundreds of thousands, as our political prisoners approach their 5th decade of wrongful incarceration, the time for such a front is now!

Can't claim the Dream without ending the Nightmare!...

All Power to the People!

that day
(april 4, ’68,
the assassination
of martin luther king)
by ‘bro.zayid’

“…This may
may be last time…
This may
may be last time…
This may
may be last time…
“It may be the last time…
…I don’t know…”
            Freedom Song

do u remember that day?
remember what u were doing
where u were
who u were with…
when it happened…
that day…
on that day
when everyone…
every decent person
suddenly felt like
they had their feelings
ripped apart at the seams…
felt like their insides bled
from the very core of themselves…
when it happened…
when it happened…
on that day…
when one shot…
bore thru the guts
of that supper-full
april evening
like a laser…
when one shot…
tore thru his
like a
crucifix-crushed nail
crushing thru flesh bone
wood and soul…
it was acid on the eyes
of everyone who believed
in that incredible dream
uniquely manufactured from his
india-looong stretched vision…
one shot…
one single
thru the guts of that night
thru that warm round
georgia brown
face of his…
it scorched our eyes 
like whip-leather bleeding black
and dropped him
this gentle giant of a man
flat on his back
just like the jaws teeth and arms
of a crane would drop
a heap of lifeless worthless junk…
do u remember that day?
what u were doing
where u were
who u were with
when it happened…
when it happened…
it was said by a haunting storyteller
with ancient eyes
that the setting sun
fell from that early evening sky
coughing and choking on its own  blood…
that the slow rising moon
vomited a revulsion that stained the sky…
that even the awesome
nonstop machinery of time
broke down for an instant
just long enough to get all of our attention…
and that mountaintop…
that virile and generous mountaintop
at the apex of an oppressed peoples vision…
that mountaintop
that he anchored
with his commitment
and the regal roar
of his rolling tongue
became as cryptically obscure
as the intestines of the end of time…
when it happened…
on that day…
and with that
that dream
became the nightmare
that it was trying so hard to transcend…
the american nightmare                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in true crossburning fashion
stalking our people
like a lynch mob
or like pilfering pirates seeking
the human cargo of our ancestors in a colonized night…
it was an awful day
it was an eerie day
it was an evil day
it was a savage day…
that day…
that noxious
white day…
that day…
that dark
defining day
that should forever remind us
of where we are
who ‘they’ are
what they are
and what they will do…
it was a day that should
never allow us
never allow us
to let our guard down again…
it has already cost us
a continent
twenty generations
and our global selfrespect…
that day…
that day
that we
should never
be allowed

“…This may
may be last time…
This may
may be last time…
“It may be the last time…
…I don’t know…”

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