Monday, January 15, 2018

MLK Day 2018 Blue Note with Poem

An MLK Day Blue Note…Build the United Front Against Fascism!...
by 'bro. zayid'

As we wind down a day whose honor we fought for and won, o yes we did, and I, for one, had an incredible day with on the streets with some incredible young people, let it be instructive...Let us remember that this day not only marks Dr. King's 89th birthday; This year, on April 4th,marks the 50th anniversary of his assassination!...

Dr. King's slaying triggered the 3rd, and exponentially, the largest growth rate of the Black Panther Party!

By that year's end, another president dripping in pathology and criminality and with a deadly fascist tendency was put in the White House! The Party was named the most dangerous internal threat to the national security of the united states. The COINTELPRO War would escalate against the Party claiming numerous casualties!...including Chairman Fred, whose Revolutionary Rainbow Coalition with the potential to take Dr. King's Poor People's Campaign to another level!...In spite of that, in the midst of that madness, the Party made a bold and revolutionary prophetic call for a United Front Against Fascism!...

So at this moment, as we resist police terror going buckwil' in our lives, as our social services are gutted like meat to roast swelling the ranks of the poor, as we are outraged by a new wave of ethnic cleansing as the state gears up to deport Black and Brown residents in the hundreds of thousands, as our political prisoners approach their 5th decade of wrongful incarceration, the time for such a front is now!

Can't claim the Dream without ending the Nightmare!...

All Power to the People!

that day
(april 4, ’68,
the assassination
of martin luther king)
by ‘bro.zayid’

“…This may
may be last time…
This may
may be last time…
This may
may be last time…
“It may be the last time…
…I don’t know…”
            Freedom Song

do u remember that day?
remember what u were doing
where u were
who u were with…
when it happened…
that day…
on that day
when everyone…
every decent person
suddenly felt like
they had their feelings
ripped apart at the seams…
felt like their insides bled
from the very core of themselves…
when it happened…
when it happened…
on that day…
when one shot…
bore thru the guts
of that supper-full
april evening
like a laser…
when one shot…
tore thru his
like a
crucifix-crushed nail
crushing thru flesh bone
wood and soul…
it was acid on the eyes
of everyone who believed
in that incredible dream
uniquely manufactured from his
india-looong stretched vision…
one shot…
one single
thru the guts of that night
thru that warm round
georgia brown
face of his…
it scorched our eyes 
like whip-leather bleeding black
and dropped him
this gentle giant of a man
flat on his back
just like the jaws teeth and arms
of a crane would drop
a heap of lifeless worthless junk…
do u remember that day?
what u were doing
where u were
who u were with
when it happened…
when it happened…
it was said by a haunting storyteller
with ancient eyes
that the setting sun
fell from that early evening sky
coughing and choking on its own  blood…
that the slow rising moon
vomited a revulsion that stained the sky…
that even the awesome
nonstop machinery of time
broke down for an instant
just long enough to get all of our attention…
and that mountaintop…
that virile and generous mountaintop
at the apex of an oppressed peoples vision…
that mountaintop
that he anchored
with his commitment
and the regal roar
of his rolling tongue
became as cryptically obscure
as the intestines of the end of time…
when it happened…
on that day…
and with that
that dream
became the nightmare
that it was trying so hard to transcend…
the american nightmare                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in true crossburning fashion
stalking our people
like a lynch mob
or like pilfering pirates seeking
the human cargo of our ancestors in a colonized night…
it was an awful day
it was an eerie day
it was an evil day
it was a savage day…
that day…
that noxious
white day…
that day…
that dark
defining day
that should forever remind us
of where we are
who ‘they’ are
what they are
and what they will do…
it was a day that should
never allow us
never allow us
to let our guard down again…
it has already cost us
a continent
twenty generations
and our global selfrespect…
that day…
that day
that we
should never
be allowed

“…This may
may be last time…
This may
may be last time…
“It may be the last time…
…I don’t know…”

All rights reserved

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