Wednesday, November 17, 2021

In America...They Kill Innocent People...Free Julius Jones!


In America...They Kill Innocent People...Free Julius Jones!

by Zayid Muhammad

          In America...

          They kill innocent people.

          I pen this wincing with worry because a young innocent Black man who has spent his entire adult life in an Oklahoma prison for a crime he did not commit can be dead tomorrow.

          Julius Jones.

          19 years old when he was wrongly convicted of murdering a white Oklahoma business man in 1999.

          Recent days have shown him being approved for Clemency, not once, but twice!...Not for being a model prisoner, but because of the clear evidence of innocence in his case!

          His case has quietly and in a beautiful testimony to humanity garnered mass attention...Some 6m petition signatures have called for his release. A noted number of celebrities and a heartwarming gelling of young AfricanAmerican clergy and activists in Oklahoma gracefully taking the point...All have made it clear to the world that Julius Jones is innocent and should not die on November 18th, but who should instead be granted Clemency for all of the right reasons and released on the basis of the time he has served.

          That notwithstanding, Trump Republican Governor Kevin Stitt has not budged on his case.

          Others have been granted clemency before.*

          So why not Clemency for Julius?

          Perhaps it is this post election post January 6th white riot backlash driving America’s ‘angry white men’ that appears to be choosing this young man to be sacrificed to meet the sadistic needs of racists to ‘prove’ their authority, authority that they believed should absolutely not be checked by non white people.


          For those of u who do not believe that they will do this, some recent history is in order.

          I am planning a longer piece on the Black Panther Party’s dangerous dance with the death penalty. Of course, when one thinks of the Party and the capital punishment, we all think of the incredible mobilization of the Party to save its legendary cofounder Huey P Newton. We also think of the recent effort to free Mumia Abu Jamal who survived two execution warrants by Republican hitmen for national white supremacy and who is still being ‘sickened’ in prison and can still die there if we do not continue to turn it up for him.

          Lesser known Panther death penalty survivors are from my neck of the woods. Safiya Bukhari, whom i had the honor of serving under in her later marching for freedom, and Lawrence ‘Ghana’ Hayes, both were NY Panthers.      ‘Ghana’ survived his ordeal in America’s most ‘liberal’ state. Safiya survived it in Virginia.


          But in America, not only do they kill innocent people, they have killed Panthers.

          Many may not know it, but the state of Indiana executed two Panthers...Ajamu Nasser in 1994 and his codefendant Ziyon Yisrayal in 1996. Ajamu and Ziyon survived a deadly botched no knock raid in which one of the raiding officers was killed in what genuinely appears to have been friendly fire...sounds eerily familiar as in the recently released Move 9 survivors.

          So be clear, these ‘angry’ white men are very capable of putting an innocent man to death.

          Not safisfied?       

          Have we forgotten how 'Dubya' George W Bush...casually killed Shaka Sankofa back in 2000 on his way to stealing the White House...He did steal the election thru Florida Voter Suppression, by the way, with the help of racist CubanAmericans, in case u have forgotten that too.

          Perhaps the most chilling of the recent horrific judicial killings was the killing of Troy Davis in 2011 in the heyday of the Obama Era. By the way, cordial and efficient servant of the empire that he was, Obama neither lifted his loaded pen or voice to block that young brother from being killed by the state of Georgia. It was a haunting moment of racial and class reckoning for a new generation of activists, like the hundreds of Howard University students who did a sit in in front of the White House knowing, so they thought, that they would be heard, and that the first Black president was definitely going to do something to stop it.

          They were wrong. He didn’t.

          He would go on apply the backwards imperialist doctrine of ‘Regime Change’ to take down Africa’s most generous and most PanAfricanist leader Muammar Ghadafi  as a ‘gimme’ to his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to pave the road for her to claim the White House behind him.  Chickens Came Home to Roost for her in her loss. They came home to roost for a naïve African world as Black Libyans are now being butchered, tortured and SOLD in what was just a few moments ago one of the healthiest and most peaceful places  on the continent!

          So sacrificing Black men...knocking off ‘Black pawns’ is not something exclusive to angry ‘white men’ in America.

          The time has come for more good people like the legions who are following those young clergy and activists in Oklahoma...i see u CeCe Jones-Davis, who screamed to the world about being ‘invited’ to witness the execution...i see u Tiffany Crutcher, the accomplished twin sister of Terence Crutcher, Tulsa’s ‘hands up don’t shoot’ case...New voices in struggle who are pointedly standing on the shoulders of their Black Wall Street ancestors, i am very proud to follow your lead!

          But be clear...In America, they do kill innocent people.

          So please, please, and please is the nicest word i know, make the call!

          405 521 2342...Be ready to press 0. They may make u wait to answer. Our Ancestors waited several hundred years for our freedom...several hundred wait...with your audacious multitasking selves.

          Free Julius Jones!

          Death to the Death Penalty!...




*In the first version of this blog, we incorrectly said that Governor Stitt has granted Clemency to others. That was incorrect...


Veteran activist and poet Zayid Muhammad of NY’s Malcolm X Commemoration Committee and proud cub of the NY chapter of the Black Panther Party...He can be reached at

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Malcolm and Olatunji!

 Malcolm and Olatunji: Their Harlem-Fed PanAfricanism!
by 'bro. Zayid'

Do you know who this is in this picture with Malcolm and what it represents?

Malcolm X and Olatunji, Harlem, October 1960

This is Nigerian percussion legend Olatunji who came to the United States in the 1950s with an unofficial PanAfrican sensibility and mission, particularly within the Jazz community, seeking to use the journey of our drum traditions to unite us culturally as African people.

This pic was taken in Harlem on Independence Day for Nigeria, which was October 1st, 1960.

The significance for both is that they both had hugely serious PanAfrican sensibilities that drove their work before they stated it formally as such.

Malcolm's sensibility came from his parents, Garveyites Earl and Louise Little.

His return to Harlem as Minister of Mosque No 7 for the Nation in 1954 came at a time when Harlem was the epicenter for an emerging global PanAfrican pulse that was about to drive the continent to Independence. It was the hub of cultural practice and performance and of official, starting with Ghana's Independence and opening their UN headquarters in 1957, and unofficial 'People to People' Solidarity. Malcolm placed himself at the center of that activity, which also includes necessarily the 1959 African People's Convention, and voraciously took in all he could from all of those currents.

He took Elijah Muhammad's notion that joining the Nation Of Islam would not only bring dignity to the Black man and woman, it would bring them 'friends in all walks of life'!...This was the NOI version of PanAfricanism and Internationalism. Malcolm's vision clearly went further than his leader's and was even 'put in check' at times for doing so...

"I'm not so much worried about 'foreigners', he had told Malcolm, "I'm going after the dead," meaning 'lost-found' Black people in the United States.

Malcolm saw them as inseparable. He would ultimately have to leave the NOI to organize around his vision.

Back to Olatunji...Not long after Malcolm's death, he would look to partner with none other than the immortal John Coltrane, whose own sense of Internationalism was fully taking over his music, to create a cultural center in Harlem that would teach music and the arts to the community from an African centered paradigm.

It actually came into being as The Olatunji Center of African Culture at 43 E 125th Street in Harlem. Trane would perform his last recorded concert to benefit the space in April 1967.
Tragically, ' Trane died suddenly just three months later, and, just as unfortunately, it did not last.

I spoke to Olatunji about that venture when i saw him last at the Million Youth March 2000 (the first having taken place in 1998). We both agreed that they were 'on time' and yet 'ahead of their time' with they what they were trying to do.

The great drum master and 'djali (griot) passed away not long after that on April 6, 2003 just a day shy of his 76th birthday and just two weeks shy of the 36th anniversary of Trane's Concert at the School.
The passing of Malcolm and 'Trane within two years of each other, however, would ignite a collective passion among Black Artists in America that would emerge as 'The Black Arts Movement,' the 'spiritual sister' of the Black Liberation Movement, with Malcolm and 'Trane as 'Fathers'!

PanAfricanism Or Perish!
X as in Malcolm is the Answer!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Get Your Hands Out of My Pocket...Missing A Dangerously Critical Moment. The Last Message At The Audubon

 Get Your Hands Out of My Pocket...Missing A Dangerously Critical Moment! 

The Last Message At The Audubon

By bro Zayid Muhammad

The Last Message of February 14th, 1965 in Detroit was not actually Malcolm's Last...

The next day February 15th, Malcolm came back to New York and made 

this address at The Audubon. 

It was loaded. 

From the unpacking of the senseless violence coming from a Black organization,

to placing our struggle in the 'Big Picture' of the global revolutionary struggles

against colonialism, capitalism and imperialism...

"There's a worldwide revolution going on," he is best remembered for telling everyone passionately

It includes the efforts to build chapters of what was to emerge through the Organization 

of AfroAmerican Unity (OAAU) abroad with the crucible of PanAfrikanism!...

This means that he was not just talking about building the hugely important Black United Front of our 

struggle's forces here; He was ready to contribute to PanAfrikanism in a real way. PanAfrikanism brings us together across boundaries. Pay attention to how it was to unfold with the organizing of the OAAU abroad.

Also, as quiet as its kept, it includes a 'dry run' of the diversion ploy used in the 

assassination..."Get your hands out my pocket"...It takes place at about 42 minutes 

into the presentation.

When you hear Malcolm tell brothers to "Cool it and sit down" that's what he was responding to.

It was reported into the authorities by, of all people, police agent Gene Roberts, who thought

that they would do something like take the proper precautions to stop it...

That's what he said...

Of course it was instead music to the ears of his police overseers...

The tragedy was that those surrounding Malcolm missed what Roberts didn't. 

The following Sunday, it horrifically played itself out, and we lost our Black Shining Prince...

Just us Saturday as we unpack so much more...

Sunday, February 14, 2021


 #BlackLoveMatters! by bro. Zayid*


It really does!

Especially for a people who were not allowed to have loving relationships in their centuries of sustained captivity and oppression.

Yet somehow our Ancestors did.
It was their love...their love for each other...their love for us...their love for a future and a day that they knew they would never see...a love that would not allow them to ever give up...because had they done so...Had they given up, we would not even be here...

On this day, let us appreciate Frederick Douglass' mother. As an incredible act of self determination, she made this day his birthday and made him 'her' valentine to transcend the plantation sexual abuse context of his birth!...
Enormous gesture!...
Under the most vicious circumstances!

It was on this day in 1965 that Malcolm endured his home being firebombed, and coming dangerously close to losing his children!...
He could have stepped back.
He could have stepped away.
He didn't.
He got them secured and somehow kept his word and date with our people in Detroit, all the way to Detroit from NYC, and gave us one of his most poignant messages...the fabled "Last Message" dedicating his remarks to his children...
In the shadows of enduring his home being firebombed!...
Out of his love for his children and love for our people...

I have not yet seen Judas and the Black Messiah about the unconquerable Fred Hampton and the informant William O'Neal, who helped set up his murder. I hope it shows how his very pregnant queen and love Akua Njeri shielded him with her very pregnant body when she could not awaken him when the shooting into their space began.

We would later learn that her love had been drugged. That's why she couldn't wake him.
The jury is still out as to who drugged what he and most of the others drank that night, by the way.
It was only after the police came into their room and physically separated her from him that they fired the fatal shots into him...

The love doesn't stop there...

Weeks later she would give birth to a boy with a chest of fire! 50 years later he is honoring his father's legacy, honoring the panther legacy in a way that few have, and she is right there with him. Talk about a mother to son love!...

Finally, i'm gonna dedicate these remarks to Debbie and Mike Africa. Debbie was pregnant with their child when they came under that epic vicious police assault on August 8, 1978, one that would tear them apart plantation-like and ultimately land them and seven other of their comrades in prison becoming known as The Move 9. Their son, Mike Jr, was literally born in prison...Remember Afeni and 'Pac while we're at it...After being torn apart and forced to do more than 40 years in prison each, when they were finally released just over the past year, the first they did was find each other and recommit their lives to each other like they so many of our Ancestors sought to out of their butchering plantation separations...

Let us lead with love...Let us heal with love...Let us transcend the darkness of this time and space as our Ancestors did with love...So that we may emerge with its luster, eternal sweetness and shine!...Enjoying the fruits of our struggle...

It really and truly does...

*bro zayid Muhammad is the founding press officer and lead organizer for the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee-NYC. Follow them on Facebook. Most recently, he is the Newark Strategist for Equal Justice USA and the organizer for Newark Communities for Accountable Policing (NCAP)...

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Her Name was Janet Cyril...


          Her name was Janet Cyril...


          January 15th is also the anniversary passing of an incredible unsung warrior queen...The late Janet Cyril of the legendary NY Chapter of the Black Panther Party...

          Janet left us for the Land of the Ancestors on that day in 2005...

          Janet was a key organizer of the Party's Breakfast programs.    She gave our world two beautiful ferocious cubs in Malkia Cyril and Sala Cyril...

          With the immortal Safiya Bukhari taking the point, in their later years, Janet was among several Panthers who grounded me and a number of activists when we were quite young. I was quite inclined towards adventurism. Janet rained me and that dangerous instinct in before it got me into potentially real trouble.

          She would also check the testosterone tall ingrained sexism of the males among us at the door, another hugely important seed she firmly planted the fertile gardens of our young minds...



         Incredibly we lost her to Sickle Cell Anemia, that disease particular to our people that the Party made into a household word with their legendary People's Clinics. It would also claim one of my first aunts.

          I am not one of Janet's biological cubs, but i proudly and unapologetically claim her as she selflessly claimed us. I am forever grateful for her special place in our struggle, in our lives, in our hearts...


                                           Artwork by R.G. Finney


          Standing on incredible shoulders like hers, we carry on the tradition...

‘bro’ zayid

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