Monday, August 14, 2017

i am love...for Bre'

Breya Blackberry Molasses Knight...Oct 2,1986-Aug 14, 2016...
Baba loves u, Bre'

I am love, starring me 
(for the late Breya Blackberry Molassez Knight*)
by ‘bro. zayid’

“Somebody’s knockin at my door
“Somebody’s ringin my bell…
“Somebody’s knockin at my door
“Somebody’s ringin my bell…
“Do me a favor,
open the door
and let’em in…”
                Let’em In, Billy Paul(1976)

don’t ask me abt givin love
I am love
thick with love!...
even here in this place
in this cesspool of contradictions
in this dizzying den
of the haves and the have nots
in this galaxy gateway corridor of promises
and broken promises
in this spectacle landscape of cherry blossoms
soaked in our dead childrens’ blood
in this place where we are still not wanted
where we are stuck by circumstances
we never asked for
this place of prostituted public education
of riverfront privilege for white males only
this place where police became world famous
for cracking black skulls
in this place laced with bitemarks
from prudential abcesses
swollen bleeding and poisoned with emptiness
all along our major thruways
of empty unfinished 2 families
of shuttered gated failed black businesses
and of lead corroded schools…
all so the devils and their parents
and their fans and their ‘klans’
can all come and enjoy the American dream of access
rt here!
rt on by our childrens’ empty eyes
rt on by our elders shattered segregated memories
rt on by us…
flying from the airport
up from where 1&9, 22 and 78 kiss
rt on by us
cruising rt on by us
on lyons av on central av
on springfield av on Sussex av
on raymond blvd on macarter hwy…
safely securely…
well endowed well protected
well insured well invested
contract cocky…
rt on by us…
by us…
to a booming new downtown
booming with newly rehabbed office bldgs
booming with new corporate hdqtrs
booming with new eateries
newly rehabbed lofts, luxury apts and condos…
rt on by us and our big booming beats…
and u can count on yr fingers
the handful of black and brown men and women
working on these booming new worksites
standing out like aliens in their own city!...
and u say u wanna bring back the good ol’ days
good for who?
for batwielding white men
who broke those bats on our black asses
all up and down bloomfield av
in front of the same police world famous
for cracking black skulls?
where were u there back then?
be careful of what u ask for
u just might get it…
so don’t just stand there asking me for love
when i’m stuck in this rt here with u
in the dark shadows of those manicured cherry blossoms
haunted by our dead childrens’ screaming blood…
ask them who still hate Amiri Baraka
even though Amiri showed them how to
renaissance the city by resurrecting our culture
in spite of them and their greedy bleary eyes
blinded by privilege profit motive and profit margin obsessions…
ask them for some democracy rt here where we live!...
ask them to let us be apart of this redevelopment
to be the development on lyons on central
on springfield on sussex
on raymond blvd on macarter hwy…
let us be the ones who replace and repair
the lead corrosion in our childrens’ schools
at living wages
so we can buy and fill those empty 2 families…
ask them to stop pushing us aside
and outta hospital beds meant for someone else…
in this gangsters paradise for real gangsters
corporate gangsters county machine gangsters…
petty gangsters from the hood need not apply…
in this bloodied blue place
where we still live and still dance
from swingdancing to breakdancing
even though we are still made to feel
like we are in the way…
here in this bloodied brick city
that we still manage to love
even though they got us bricked in
between the rock of prudential
and the hardplace of gentrification…
don’t ask me for love
who just handstitched original crowned glory
in yr hair at a discount
from my chair…
and yr dumbass still think u got ‘bad hair’?...
don’t ask me for love who limps to open
every door i can for everyone i can…
who doesn’t wait on grants for paint with colors.
i am molasses
blackstrapped thick with love
and i know that i am color!
from my own painted crowned glory
from my freshpainted blazers and blouses
from my skirts inked and starred with my own designs
rt down to my painted sneaker on my good foot
and my graph on the boot of my bad foot…
all starring me…
and i always answer calls for help
i always get up
on a limp that won’t go away
and open the door for u…
i am always giving always sharing
always trying always loving…
and i still can’t figure out why yr dumbass
won’t try to look thru this shit
so we can figure out how to get past this shit
past the contradictions
past the hypocrisy
past this divide of opulence and oppression
past this pained space that we love
that has us pinned between the rock of prudential
and the hardplace of gentrification
so we can see again
be again
live again love again
breathe again…

“Somebody’s knockin at my door
“Somebody’s ringin my bell…
“Somebody’s knockin at my door
“Somebody’s ringin my bell…
“Do me a favor,
open the door
and let’em in…”

© 2016
all rights reserved

*Breya Blackberry Molassez Knight (1986-2016)…A survivor of the hard knock life on the streets of Newark. initiated at the house of Baraka, as in Amiri and Amina Baraka, an emerging voice and force in the arts, for our youth and for social justice for her generation in the greater Newark community…
Poet, Rapper, Designer, Graphic artist, Loctitian, Entrepreneur, Activist…She was taken from us by complications from diabetes on August 14th,2016, something she valiantly struggled with for years…She was loved by many beyond words…

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