Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The March on Washington...Thru Military Eyes...

The March On Washington...Thru Military Eyes...
by 'bro. zayid'

Black August Blue Note...
A military look at the March On Washington!...
It was every bit of the 'controlled show' that Malcolm said it was!
Controlled by white liberals of the highest order of American white supremecy...literally from President Kennedy on down!
But for all of their controls, the white man, your friend, could NOT stop it from happening!
The people came! And they came in droves from all over! Although majority Black, it was a multi-racial affair and it was the hugest of its kind...
They said it was 250,000. It was likely more!
They didn't want actual marching to take place.
It did.
See Exhibit A...
Although its incredible highlight was Dr. King's delivery of his classic I Have A Dream...a loaded underappreciated political statement, that gathering meant was a lifechanging, timemarking event for so many who participated in it...
Don't think so, ask those still here who actually went and would not let anybody keep them from going...
Ask them...
And for all of the presidential ordered and agreed to controls, they could NOT stop that either...
And all due respect to his delivery of 'The Dream,' and this is the ultimate point of the matter, the success of the March On Washington, on its own terms, made the nat'l security state apparatus of the govt look at Martin Luther King's 'mass mobilization capability' as too prominent, too influential, and, oh yes, too dangerous!...
He was marked for death from the moment on...
Don't just read his speeches, the very few of u who actually have, read what has been released of his FBI files...
COINTELPRO and those assassinations and frame ups did not fall from the sky or some fiery evil furnace below...They came from the overseers of this system...
Love Dr. King? Then come out against the operations that ultimately killed him, quite a few others and that STILL has a lot of our political prisoners wrongly incarcerated!...
Or this thing u call 'democracy' will never stand a chance...

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